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An Answered Prayer

by - 2:08 PM

Originally posted on my HSB blog, February 8, 2008

For a long time I have wanted a guitar. I think it originated with a dream I had, and ever since I wanted one. Unfortunately, we aren't able to afford one, or even rent one. For a long time it was just a dream. Until this week...

I was getting ready for bed when Mom asked me how much money I had in my "guitar fund", which was my meager bit of money I was saving. I knew something was up, and I asked why. She said that someone was selling a guitar for $50. I immediately came upstairs, and Dad read the description of it to me (someone had posted it online). It was an accoustic Fender, that came with a soft case, a stand, and an instructional DVD.

I was only $10 short, so Mom & Dad said that I could pay them back. It was too late to call the seller of the guitar, so we sent her an e-mail and then decided to call her in the morning.

Thankfully, we were the first ones who responded, and so we arranged for us to pick it up Thursday, which is yesterday. I am so thrilled to have a guitar now, and have already learned a couple of chords. It did need tuning, but Dad and I figured out how to do that this morning. The only problem is we think the neck might be bent and is causing one of the strings to touch one of the frets and sound weird. We've been keeping it in a room with a humidifier to see if that will help, and if it doesn't we might have it looked at.

I am very thankful for this blessing. God has truly answered my prayers! He is so good.

I was trying to get a picture up but it wasn't working, so I'll try to get one up soon.


Edit: Here are a couple pictures:

My apologies to dial-up users!

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