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What Should I Write About?

by - 4:10 PM

Hi everyone…again. I still haven’t decided what I want to write about, even though it’s only been a day. You could post a comment and tell me.
My dad wants me to learn HTML (That’s a code the computer uses to create websites, in case you didn’t know) so that I can make the changes to my blog myself.
So if you think my site is boring, you might have to wait until I learn HTML. But come back in a while and I bet it will be packed with lots of fun. But for now, I’m just starting off.
I think I’ll just write about everything for now. Maybe later I’ll find a subject, but for now it’s just a wide range of categories. BBFN (Bye-bye for now)!

P. S. – By the way, the girls in the picture are not me or anyone related to me. I don’t even know who they are. I’m working on that…once I learn HTML

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